Porfolio - Ashley Mann

About Me

Hi, My name is Ashley, also known as minusInfinite. I've had a fair long history of creating interactive experience but haven't been able to find the time. My previous experience was mostly around the use of a software programme called Flash. It allowed for making animations and interactions that could be used to build really interesting websites. Unfortunately, my career took a more methodical turn and all the fun and time tinkering with webpage and web technology felt like a misuse of my free time.

All that said, we'll call this a personal renaissance


image of the nodebbs homepage
A concept for a classic Buliten Board forum in Node/Express/Handlebars - Github
image of the devblog homepage
A Node/Express/Handlebars blogging Web App - Github
The Landing page for ShazTXT
ShazTXT - Lyric Search with Genius and Youtube APIs - Github
Landing page for my Weather Dashboard
A Weather Dashboard using OpenWeatherMap.org - Github
A fun little CLI that could be used to manage a small team - Click the Image for Github